We are an
M&A Advisory Firm
Expert in the Confidential Sale of Private Companies.

No One Has
More Experience
With Private Companies.
No one.

About eMerge M&A

Dollar Transactions ($ billions)

Years in Service

Transactions Completed

You built your company ... it's very important to you.
And it's very important to us too.

One day you will leave it. We provide you with options — options that work for you.

Originally founded in 1989, we have valued or consulted with well over 3,000 private companies across industry sectors. We have confidentially opened a market for, and sold, 100's of private companies.

We have over 30 years of archived data and we know what creates value in the eyes of a buyer(s) ... more importantly, we're on your side.

In those situations where owners have elected to have us confidentially open and make a market for them, we have generated premium offers in 100% of the time.

Ready to start a confidential conversation about your largest asset?

No One Has
More Experience With Private Companies.
No one.

Since 1989, We Have Consulted With Over 3,000 Private Companies.

Many Of Our Senior Professionals Are Former Business Owners. We Have Sat In Your Chair.

We have a 100% success rate in generating offers for our clients.

We Produce Videos About Our Clients' Companies.

We Embrace New Technologies To Be More Effective

We Know What Creates Value In the Eyes Of a Buyer; But – We’re On Your Side.

Our Services

Based on our experience and resources, we have a 100% success rate in generating premium offers to our clients.

eMerge M&A Services - Confidentially selling a company

Confidentially Selling a Company

For 30+ years, we have been quietly and confidentially taking private companies to market.
eMerge's Pre-market Survey. Are you marketable now at a premium?

Pre-Market Survey

We will gather information … does it make sense to proceed to market?
eMerge M&A Process

M&A Process

Our M&A process has 100% success rate in generating offers for our clients.


Data shows that companies which properly divest non-core business divisions perform better over time.

Custom Strategies

The eMerge M&A Advantage

Until eMerge M&A, owners of privately-held companies did not have access to certain alternatives and expertise available to the rest of the market.

eMerge M&A Sale of the CompanySale of the Company

Open the market and sell 100% of your company at the right time for the highest price, or...


"Take some chips off the table" and still be involved with managing and growing the business. Get paid out for some portion of the company now while allowing for upside potential creating "two bites at the apple”, or...

Management Buyouts

Management teams or family members do not typically have the cash an owner wants at closing. Sell to them while still capitalizing on the fruits of your labor. The key is to find the right equity partner, or...

Other alternatives may exist; the key is to custom tailor a strategy for you.

The complete or partial sale of a privately-held company is much more complex than Wall Street mega-deals. The potential buyer pool is larger and the transaction issues are more complex and varied.

Michael Ryan


Regardless of the transaction alternative targeted at the beginning;


Each transaction alternative has the same objective; the Highest Quality Transaction.


Each alternative empowers an owner to choose the best successor.


An owner can change their mind mid-process and choose a different alternative.

All options start the same way and the M&A Process is the same.

We Get Results

Deal Metrics by eMerge

Take a look at our Deal Metrics gathered from numerous closed transactions in every business sector since 2001.


100% of the time we bring a Buyer on site, they make a formal offer or Letter of Intent.


Average response rate from the market was 21%, nearly doubling the M&A industry standard of 11%.


PEG’s executed 76% of incoming Confidentiality Agreements but represented 21% of buyers on closed transactions.


Only 5% of sellers had ever even heard of their eventual buyer.


Average number of days between hiring eMerge and executing an LOI was 225 days.


PEG’s with platform companies represented 24% of closed transactions.


Average targeted prospective acquirers in a Buyers List was 270.


In 39% of closed transactions, the seller decided to retain some equity and grow the business with the buyer.


Strategic buyers represented 55% of closed transactions consisting of 73% private companies and 27% publicly traded buyers.