What is eMerge M&A's success rate?
Do I need eMerge M&A or can I sell the Company myself?
Statistically, we are able to sell companies for 27% to 54% more than owners who think they can sell it themselves. We have seen it all and our experience has been shown to save, or make, our client’s millions of dollars… in ways they never expected.
eMerge provides unique insight capturing the intangible value of the Company while packaging the Company as viewed from the buyer’s perspective … and, we work for you.
95% of corporate buyers would prefer to deal with an investment banking firm such as eMerge, even though they know they will pay more for the Company. GE, for example, looks at 1000 companies to acquire one. Investment banking opportunities receive top priority.
How do I present my Company's financial information?
Recast financials combined with documentation of hidden value, intangible assets and a substantiated case for future earnings provide the basis for showing buyers the true potential of the company. Greater potential translates to higher value.
How can confidentiality be maintained during the process?
With our combined experience of over 100 years and with thousands of CA’s executed, the instance of institutional buyers violating the CA are virtually unheard of.
Nevertheless, eMerge’s role is to protect our client’s confidentiality throughout the process.
How long will it take to sell my business?
How long will a buyer expect that I remain with the Company?
Is my transaction likely to be a stock sale or asset sale?
Sellers generally prefer stock type sales of their Companies. Stock sales reduce tax liabilities for sellers while passing contingent liabilities to the buyer.
Historically, almost all sales of privately-held Companies were asset sales. In recent years, we have seen a growing number of stock sales. Buyers will typically require some funds held in escrow and tighter indemnification but this will be part of the deal negotiation.
What is the first step we need to take to move forward?
Initially, eMerge will analyze all aspects of the Company to develop a professional offering memorandum known as a Confidential Business Review (“CBR”). The CBR will incorporate the tangible and intangible aspects of the business and capture it’s upside value. Professionally prepared material sets the tone and first impression with premium buyers.
Should we negotiate with more than one buyer at a time?
eMerge actively negotiates with numerous buyers simultaneously. Having multiple options increases negotiating strength through less dependence on any one potential buyer. Experienced buyers are less likely to attempt to take advantage of a situation if they perceive that there are additional interested parties.
Will eMerge M&A be with me throughout the entire M&A process?
Although the transaction terms have been agreed upon, this is the most critical phase of the M&A process. eMerge’s professionals have the experience and expertise to recognize and begin solving issues before they occur.
eMerge will assist and advise our clients through the entire process to a successful closing of the transaction.
Does eMerge M&A specialize in any one industry?