Selling A Company … But What About the Employees?

The sale of a privately-held company is usually a once in a life time event. Many factors must be considered including timing, markets, performance of the business and risk associated with an owner having too much of their net worth invested in one “stock”; their...

October 2016 – A Record Month for M&A

November 2016 … right now we are in the best market for selling private companies that we have seen in years.  In fact, October 2016 was a record month for M&A. It’s truly a seller’s market – but it won’t last. Why … ??? Interest rates are at record lows....

Selling Companies in the Food and Kindred Products Industry

SIC series 20 represents Food and Kindred Products, encompassing many industries such as dairy, meat, grain, drinks, processed, frozen, and snack foods. The U.S. food industry trails the global market and, while North America is the largest global market across all...

The Party is Over: the Impact of Fed Funds Rate Increases.

December 16th, 2015 brought this hardest of realities. The warning that interest rates, the single biggest determinant as to what your private business is worth,have begun their path upward as long predicted. Quantifying the financial pain this first of...

The Brexit and Private Companies

The European Union (EU) has 28 member states who have developed an internal single market through a standardized system of laws that apply in all member states.  EU policies aim to ensure the free movement of people, goods, services, and capital within the internal...