Vertical or Horizontal Acquisition

Companies that operate a horizontal acquisition strategy acquire companies in a similar market sector typically selling a complimentary product into the same market. The aim is to acquire additional products or services to offer their customers or to increase market...

Recapitalizing a Company … Have Your Cake and Eat It Too!

The only thing consistent in life is change. Most owners start out when founding a company by working in it. At some point in time, an owner must graduate to working on their company rather than in it. Once the owner has reached that level, the next step is planning...

Top 10 Ways to Increase Market Value – No. 2

This is a continuing series of suggestions to owners of privately-held companies to increase the marketability and value of their companies. Here are the Top 10 ways to increase your company’s market value: 2. Develop Second Tier Management Why? A Buyer will know that...

Top 10 Ways to Increase Market Value – No. 1

This is a continuing series of suggestions to owners of privately-held companies to increase the marketability and value of their companies. Here are the Top 10 ways to increase your company’s market value: 1. Get Your Financials in Order Why? The higher the risk...